Tel: +40 230 216147
Fax: +40 230 520080
Email: aurelian[dot]rotaru[at]


Last update: 18 Sep 2014 @ 09:06am

13FEB '15


ANUNȚ: 1 post vacant – Tehnician în electronică pdf

9IUN '14


Vineri, 13 Iunie 2014, la ora 11h00, in amfiteatrul Dimitrie Leonida (Corpul D) va avea loc seminarul cu titlul "Solid state nano-photonic quantum technologies", sustinut de catre Dr. Andrei FARAON, Assistant Professor la California Institute of Technology (Caltech). Rezumat & biografie.

17OCT '14


Our article "Nano-Electro-Manipulation of Spin Crossover Nanorods: Towards Switchable Nanoelectronic Devices", Adv. Mater., 25(2013) has been cited in the prestigious publication Nature Communications. See article

4APR '14


Our colleague Constantin LEFTER has received the Eiffel excellence scholarship from the French government. Details...

16DEC '13


Associate Professor Aurelian ROTARU has been awarded for the most received citations of a USV researcher in 2012-2013.

16DEC '13


Our colleague Daniel CHIRUTA has been awarded with the best Ph.D. student of USV in 2013.

Harta locațiilor facultății

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