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Last update: 18 Nov 2022 @ 08:29am

Project title:

High sensitivity probing of dielectro-magnetic properties of multi-functional switchable nano-structures (HighSensSpin)

Contract no. TE77/2022


The proposed work aims at utilizing a highly-sensitive resonant tunnel diode oscillator (TDO) method to investigate the minute changes in magnetic/dielectric properties of molecular materials, namely spin crossover (SCO) nanostructures and nanoparticles, under optical, thermal or magnetic stimuli. We plan to construct planar inductors (from mm to nm sizes) and have multi-functional switching materials in powder and nanoparticle form embedded onto the inductor windings. Subtle changes in the magnetic properties of the particles should induce significant changes in the measurable resonant frequency of a TDO circuit built around the inductor. An analogous frequency shift can be induced by changes in the capacitance value of the TDO due to a change in the electric permittivity. By constructing the capacitor with SCO materials as the dielectric, any changes in the dielectric properties induced by a varying magnetic field, temperature or optical intensity can be measured as a shift in frequency of the TDO.

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