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Email: aurelian[dot]rotaru[at]usm[dot]ro


Last update: 18 Sep 2014 @ 09:06am

Project title:

Analysis of spin cooperativity and low dimensionality effects in bistable molecular compounds with applications in nanoelectronics.

PI: Aurelian ROTARU

Objectives and Activities

First Year - 2012
Objectives Activities
O1.Study of size effect in spin crossover molecular solids systems. - Elaboration of new methods and strategies in order to study the size effect in SCO nanoparticle systems.
O2. Study of the counter-anions effect on the interactions intensity
in 1D spin crossover molecular solids.
- Magnetic and/or optical measurements on a series of 1D SCO systems from the same family but with different counter-anions inserted between the molecular chains.
- Find a correlation between the thermal behavior of the spin transition and the counter-anion nature.
O3. Managerial Objectives - Coordination of research activities.
- Starting of procedures for buying devices and materials.
- Repartition of tasks for every group member.
- Redaction of scientific papers.
- Elaboration of the annual scientific report.

Second Year - 2013
Objectives Activities
O1. Evaluation of the internal pressure induced by the counter-anions by applying an external pressure - I. - Recording a series of FORCs on different samples characterized by different counter-anions.
- Calculation of the FORC diagram.
- Performing the statistical analysis on the FORC diagrams.
O2. Study of spin like domains structures in spin crossover
- Topographic analysis of SCO single crystals surface by optical microscopy and AFM observations.
O3. Managerial Objectives - Coordination of research activities.
- Repartition of tasks for every group member.
- Redaction of scientific papers.
- Elaboration of the annual scientific report.

Third Year - 2014
Objectives Activities
O1. Evaluation of the internal pressure induced by the counter-anions by applying an external pressure -II. - Recording a series of FORCs on different samples characterized by different counter-anions. At different pressures.
- Calculation of the FORC diagram.
- Performing the statistical analysis on the FORC diagrams.
O2. Pressure induced enhanced cooperativity. - Reflectivity under pressure measurements on different SCO systems presenting a crystallographic phase transition.
O3. Managerial Objectives - Coordination of research activities.
- Repartition of tasks for every group member.
- Redaction of scientific papers.
- Elaboration of the annual scientific report.

Fourth Year - 2015
Objectives Activities
O1. Pressure induced enhanced cooperativity. - Recording a full phase diagram Temperature-Pressure-HS fraction.
- Analysis of the phase diagram.
O2. Managerial Objectives - Coordination of research activities.
- Repartition of tasks for every group member.
- Redaction of scientific papers.
- Elaboration of the final scientific report.

Harta locațiilor facultății

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